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Fern Reiss
For immediate help with a story on deadline, or to interview Fern
Reiss for a story or show, please contact Alyza Harris via email at or
by telephoning (617)630-0945.
Wall Street Week's Guest on Positioning Products
in a Rough Economy
Although tough economic times often prompt companies to unveil new
products in their search for shrinking consumer dollars, businesses
might be better off with their old products and new positioning, said
Fern Reiss of on this week's Wall Street Week with
Fortune show. Read more here.
Boston Globe Cites Fern Reiss’s Search Engine Placement Tips
The Boston Globe this week devoted a full page to teaching readers
how to raise their website’s search engine rankings using Fern
Reiss’s tips on PR and blogging. Reiss, who has been quoted in
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald
Tribune, Fortune Small Business, and over 100 other prestigious publications
in the last six months, now teaches business owners how to get more
media attention for themselves and their businesses through her
company. Read more here.
Fortune Small Business Recognizes Publicity Expert Fern Reiss
Fortune Small Business Magazine devoted a full page to
Fern Reiss's publicity company that teaches people
to get more media attention for their business. Read more here.
Become Media-worthy and a Valued Source
In the eyes of prospective clients and customers,
an architect, doctor, or financial planner quoted often in the media
enjoys a shimmering halo of expertise not enjoyed by their colleague
who is in fact equally capable. Fern Reiss, who has been quoted herself
in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Redbook, and
scores of other prestigious publications in the last six months, now
teaches professionals with credentials how to take their knowledge
to a wide, national stage, in a series of Expertizing workshops, taking
place at Ritz Carlton Hotels in Boston, San Francisco, and New York
City. Read more here.
of author Fern Reiss
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If you have any media need that we have not addressed,
please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email Alyza Harris at and
she’ll get right back to you.